Just Being A Survivor Is Not Enough...
"The real challenge is not to survive. Hell, anyone can do that. It's to survive as yourself, undiminished."- Elia Kazan.
I LOVE THIS QUOTE! Yes, each and every one of us has survived something, some heartache, or humiliation, some loss, be it a divorce or custody battle; the death of of a partner or spouse. Merely surviving is not enough. When you were taken to a place far beyond your threshold of pain and suffering, were you able to emerge undiminished? That is the true key to survival. Not just being able to survive the hardest of times, but to learn from them and grow from them and make peace with them~ That is the challenge.
Bad, ugly, horrible things happen to good people all of the time. It is our take away that will determine what we are made of and what we can give back as a result. I am not just a survivor. I am a work in progress, always striving to be better, stronger, happier. Always hoping to encourage and empower others to do the same. When you are at your lowest low, remember, someone has been there before you~and did more than just lived to tell~ they lived to share, to teach and to help heal. They survived....undiminished. So too can you!
xoxoxoxo Mrs. G
Thank you for sharing. Blessings.