"Any circumstance you find yourself in is only temporary and can change in an instant. Your attitude and state of mind is the steering wheel of your life, what you think about and project into a situation intensifies and eventually manifests in real life. Meet every circumstance with a positive outlook and when setbacks come - hold the course! The dawn WILL break!"- Jackson Kiddard.
And if all else fails, there is always vodka! ;)
ATTENTION STEP PARENTS: This too shall pass! ;) Everyday I am flooded with emails from people all over the world who share so many of the same concerns, one of the most common questions is: How in the hell is my marriage ever going to survive trying to BLEND my family????
My answer is always the same: I don't friggin' know...why do you think I started this movement? So you could tell me! ;) Jokes baby...jokes.
With 50% of all marriages and a whopping 67% of all second marriages ending in divorce, we enter into family blending armed with the knowledge that in all likelihood, our relationship is doomed to fail! Well, I don't know about you but I'm not giving in that easily. I found my Superman, the man of my dreams, love of my life; and the fact that our 5, yes, FIVE kids all had their own pre-teen and teen aged angst and dramas unfolding and had agendas of their own; was NOT going to derail my new husband and I from living a life of love and peace. Besides, we certainly didn't want to drag our children through ANOTHER failed marriage!
We needed a strong support group for blended families, so we created one!
Accepting that there are certain things we just can't change (a narcissistic ex wife for instance, who turns the children against you and tells horrible lies about you and their own flesh and blood father in an effort to wreck any chance you may have had at a loving household....hypothetically speaking, of course....), inexcusable, disgusting behavior like that....We can't control it! We can't control what other people do. We can only control our own thoughts and actions. If what you think about and project into a situation intensifies and eventually manifests in real life~ WHY ALLOW POISON TO MANIFEST!??!
Take your power back, put all of you energy into building that strong, unbreakable bond with your partner and know that one day....the children will grow up and move out and have lives of their own. But, if you dump your partner because you couldn't get through the utter BS that was drummed up by outsiders who hate themselves so much they can't stand to see you happy...you will grow very old...all alone....and die. The end. OR, you control what you can, do the best you can, be the bigger, better person, teach your children well, hold tight to your true love through the tunnel of chaos and manifest this: It's Never Too Late To Live Happily Ever After! You are The Queen of Your Castle, Owner of Your Feelings, A Work in Progress! xoxo Mrs. G ;)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Just Being A Survivor Is Not Enough...
"The real challenge is not to survive. Hell, anyone can do that. It's to survive as yourself, undiminished."- Elia Kazan.
I LOVE THIS QUOTE! Yes, each and every one of us has survived something, some heartache, or humiliation, some loss, be it a divorce or custody battle; the death of of a partner or spouse. Merely surviving is not enough. When you were taken to a place far beyond your threshold of pain and suffering, were you able to emerge undiminished? That is the true key to survival. Not just being able to survive the hardest of times, but to learn from them and grow from them and make peace with them~ That is the challenge.
Bad, ugly, horrible things happen to good people all of the time. It is our take away that will determine what we are made of and what we can give back as a result. I am not just a survivor. I am a work in progress, always striving to be better, stronger, happier. Always hoping to encourage and empower others to do the same. When you are at your lowest low, remember, someone has been there before you~and did more than just lived to tell~ they lived to share, to teach and to help heal. They survived....undiminished. So too can you!
xoxoxoxo Mrs. G
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Fairy Tales Can Come True....
The Next Wives Club
Our Story
Once upon a time in a kingdom not far from here, a Lovely Maiden/Divorce’/Single -mother found her Prince Charming~ Part Deux.
Although both had children from previous marriages, they seemed to be a match made in heaven & felt certain that their love could overcome all obstacles.
Before too long, an Evil Troll, sensing the utter bliss of the handsome Prince and his next wife, cast a spell upon her stepchildren, alienating them from their father and his bride. Heartbroken, the Lovely Maiden realized she was allowing outside influences derail her mission to live a happy, peaceful life. After being pushed to her limit, she decided to take her power back; so she created, The Next Wives Club, a charity-linked movement that exists to open the lines of communication between people with a common bond: Wanting to learn to live in love, peace & harmony in blended family situations.
Being a big believer in karma, and knowing that what she was creating was a movement, not a silly tee shirt company, she decided that a portion of all proceeds earned on her website: www.TheNextWivesClub.com would be donated to Colette's Children's Home, helping heal homelessness for women & their children.
Feeling empowered, and having gathered strength in numbers as her movement began to grow exponentially http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Next-Wives-Club-Inc/128231813940588, the Lovely Maiden decided from that day forward she would never to allow anyone to take up space in her mind Rent Free. After all, she was The Queen of her Castle~ Owner of her Feelings ~ A Work in Progress.
If you or someone you know has been harmed by the indecencies that can accompany family blending, The Next Wives Club is for you! You don't have to be a next wife to join our movement, you just have to support the cause: promoting harmony, growth & healing for step families! Be the bigger person, put family first and never use your children to harm a former partner or spouse as that will only harm your child's spirit!
The Lovely Maiden and her handsome Prince made a commitment that together, as a loving team, they could overcome any and all obstacles that crossed their path. They were a match made in heaven and shared a bond that couldn't be broken by the likes of the Evil Troll.
The....Beginning ;)
The Next Wives Club, It's Never Too Late To Live Happily Ever After!
Our Story
Once upon a time in a kingdom not far from here, a Lovely Maiden/Divorce’/Single -mother found her Prince Charming~ Part Deux.
Although both had children from previous marriages, they seemed to be a match made in heaven & felt certain that their love could overcome all obstacles.
Before too long, an Evil Troll, sensing the utter bliss of the handsome Prince and his next wife, cast a spell upon her stepchildren, alienating them from their father and his bride. Heartbroken, the Lovely Maiden realized she was allowing outside influences derail her mission to live a happy, peaceful life. After being pushed to her limit, she decided to take her power back; so she created, The Next Wives Club, a charity-linked movement that exists to open the lines of communication between people with a common bond: Wanting to learn to live in love, peace & harmony in blended family situations.
Being a big believer in karma, and knowing that what she was creating was a movement, not a silly tee shirt company, she decided that a portion of all proceeds earned on her website: www.TheNextWivesClub.com would be donated to Colette's Children's Home, helping heal homelessness for women & their children.
Feeling empowered, and having gathered strength in numbers as her movement began to grow exponentially http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Next-Wives-Club-Inc/128231813940588, the Lovely Maiden decided from that day forward she would never to allow anyone to take up space in her mind Rent Free. After all, she was The Queen of her Castle~ Owner of her Feelings ~ A Work in Progress.
If you or someone you know has been harmed by the indecencies that can accompany family blending, The Next Wives Club is for you! You don't have to be a next wife to join our movement, you just have to support the cause: promoting harmony, growth & healing for step families! Be the bigger person, put family first and never use your children to harm a former partner or spouse as that will only harm your child's spirit!
The Lovely Maiden and her handsome Prince made a commitment that together, as a loving team, they could overcome any and all obstacles that crossed their path. They were a match made in heaven and shared a bond that couldn't be broken by the likes of the Evil Troll.
The....Beginning ;)
The Next Wives Club, It's Never Too Late To Live Happily Ever After!
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Next Wives Club!~ Promoting Harmony, Growth & Healing for Blended Families. The triple ripple...
"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." Robert F. Kennedy. The Next Wives Club, helping you to strike out against the injustices that can be associated with family blending (or non-blending). This movement exists to help step families in crisis know that they are not alone and that no matter how hard things can be, how frustrating or maddening circumstances seem ~ someone has been there before you ~ and lived to tell. Be the bigger person, put family first and don't use your children to harm a former spouse or partner, it will only harm your child’s spirit!
Embrace being a work in progress: ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing, ever empowering, ever encouraging....happily....ever after. There truly is strength in numbers, together, we can overcome all obstacles. It's never too late to live happily ever after! I pinky swear! ;) I'm living proof! The Next Wives Club, banding together to send out a tiny ripple of hope....
Friday, March 2, 2012
Queen of My Castle ~ Owner of My Feelings ~ A Work in Progress
"Unless I accept life on life's terms, I can not be happy. I need to concentrate less on what needs to be changed in the world and more on what needs to be changed in me and my attitudes." Holding on to past hurts, anger and resentments holds us hostage to a time and place that ultimately causes us pain. We can't force people to love us or respect us or be kind to us...just because it's what we want in the moment. Making them "pay", by treating them with hostility only serves to harm our own spirits. Using our children to hurt a former partner or spouse only harms the spirit of our children. It all seems so unneccessary. Wouldn't it be so much nicer to recall the wonderful memories; the times we were happy with the people we are at odds with? I implore you to keep those loving memories locked up in a special place inside of your heart and visit them when you are hurting the most.
There are lessons that can be learned through pain, sorrow, loss and heartache. I have come to learn something so valuable....that sometimes letting go is the best way to hold on.
If you are content to just be "perfectly you" without making the commitment to yourself to strive for progress; then you are a prisoner of your own inability to grow as a human being. You will only ever be the Queen of Mediocrity, standing alone in your not-so-lucky, narcissistic little world, wishing you could soar but sorely lacking the courage to admit when you are wrong and embrace peace and forgiveness. Never settle for mediocre; be the Queen of your Castle~ your home, not an imaginary place but a loving place where your heart and your family and your dreams all come alive. Own your feelings. The Next Wives Club is a movement that encourages you to embrace being a work in progress; ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing, ever empowering....happily....ever after.
I wish you peace and the ability to recall the goodness....do whatever you can to keep your precious memories sacred; they are a gift to remind you of a time when things were sweet. You don't have to hold on to ugly memories that will keep you stagnant; the choice, the freedom is yours....you just have to be willing to do the work. xoxox Mrs. G
There are lessons that can be learned through pain, sorrow, loss and heartache. I have come to learn something so valuable....that sometimes letting go is the best way to hold on.
If you are content to just be "perfectly you" without making the commitment to yourself to strive for progress; then you are a prisoner of your own inability to grow as a human being. You will only ever be the Queen of Mediocrity, standing alone in your not-so-lucky, narcissistic little world, wishing you could soar but sorely lacking the courage to admit when you are wrong and embrace peace and forgiveness. Never settle for mediocre; be the Queen of your Castle~ your home, not an imaginary place but a loving place where your heart and your family and your dreams all come alive. Own your feelings. The Next Wives Club is a movement that encourages you to embrace being a work in progress; ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing, ever empowering....happily....ever after.
I wish you peace and the ability to recall the goodness....do whatever you can to keep your precious memories sacred; they are a gift to remind you of a time when things were sweet. You don't have to hold on to ugly memories that will keep you stagnant; the choice, the freedom is yours....you just have to be willing to do the work. xoxox Mrs. G
Thursday, March 1, 2012
My Marriage Isn't Perfect...It is The Perfect Work In Progress!
"Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life. I think perfectionism is based on the obsessive belief that if you run carefully enough, hitting each stepping-stone just right, you won't have to die. The truth is that you will die anyway and that a lot of people who aren't even looking at their feet are going to do a whole lot better than you, and have a lot more fun while they're doing it." - Anne Lamott. Truer words have never been written! Perfect can be used to describe a marriage proposal or a wedding day, but not a marriage...especially not a "next marriage." That takes hard work, commitment, loyalty, communication, dedication, matching values, set boundaries and the ability to forgive the sins and hurts of past relationships/marriages so as not to drag that junk into the new relationship. My marriage is not perfect~it’s the perfect work in progress. We are committed to working together, as a team to overcome all the hardships and difficulties next marriages are faced with and to set a higher standard than we did in our past relationships. We are committed to each other and to our love and to making it work because we know that no matter how chaotic family blending and next marriages may be….With a true, loving PARTNER, it’s never too late to live happily ever after!
xoxo Mrs. G Baby!

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